Company Establishment Services
We assist businesses in identifying the appropriate method of operation.finding and creating the perfect workspace for their people.
Company Establishment Services
We specialize in quickly and accurately establishing new companies for Egyptians and foreigners. We help choose the appropriate legal form for their activities according to Egyptian law, prioritizing the success of their investments.
Establishment steps
Company type
When starting a business, choose the right company type wisely. Various types of companies exist, such as one-person, joint-venture, limited liability, and joint-stock companies. Each type has unique registration needs and legal responsibilities. Therefore, choose the right company type based on your business needs.
Company field and activity
Specify your company's activity type (commercial, industrial, or other) confidently and clearly in its registration application.
Company's trade name
Selecting a trade name for your company is a crucial step in its establishment. The trade name is the name that will be visible to the public and can be displayed on your company's signage. It is vital to choose a name that is distinctive and has not been used by any other company. Additionally, you will need to create a company logo that represents your business activity.
Company capital
When starting a company, clarify the initial capital based on financial capacity. Some companies have a minimum capital requirement.
It is imperative to clarify whether you will be working on the project alone or with partners. If you do have partners, specify their nationality and their role in the project. Do they have the right to manage the project with you, or will they only contribute to the capital?